
Sunday, May 31, 2009

IYCE Design Award 2009

If you're in design, now here's your chance

The IYCE opens applications for creative entrepreneurs for IYCE Design Award 2009. The IYCE competition rewards the enrepreneurship of young people who made art and creativity the most important industry of the 21st century.

Apply now if you’re Indonesian citizen, 25-35 years old by 13 September 2009, and work in or run a business for at least 3 years in any of the following design sector:

  • Architecture, interiors and environment
  • Product design manufacture: furniture, industrial products and craft
  • Design promotion: exhibitions, events, festivals and retail
  • Consultants providing specialist services in any of the above areas

You should also have an English competency equivalent to an IELTS score of 6 (equals to TOEFL score of 550) or higher.

  • 9 May – 30 June: Registration for applicants
  • 1 June – 30 June: Administrative screening of applicants
  • 1 June – 5 July: Applicants who successfully passed the administrative prerequisites will be asked to download, complete and return the comprehensive application form.
  • 8 July: Panel of jury select 10 Finalists.
  • 9 July - 2 August: Finalists to prepare presentation materials for final interview in Jakarta
  • 5 – 7 August: 10 Finalists invited to Jakarta for final interview and announcement of winner
  • 13 September: Indonesian winner goes to UK for tour and international competition.
Deadline June 30 2009 at 10:00 p.m


At Yayasan Khazanah, we don’t just select scholars with exceptional intelligence, drive and a track record of accomplishments; we look for potential leaders who can redefine the future.

Our hope is to groom the next generation of leaders in business and industry so that they can transform and make substantial contributions to Malaysia’s government-linked companies (GLCs) and other top organizations in Malaysia or around the world.

The journey starts with offering deserving scholars a full scholarship under the Khazanah Scholarship Programme to study at premier universities around the world or in Malaysia. Besides financial support, an integral feature of the Khazanah Scholarship Programme is a broad range of training and developmental activities that scholars will undergo to help prepare them for a successful and accelerated path to leadership.

The Khazanah Asia Scholarship, which is open to Indonesian students, support courses for Undergraduate and Masters Degrees at selected leading universities in Malaysia.

Field of Study:


- Information Technology Management

- Data communications & Networking

- Electronics (telecommunications) Engineering


- Accounting

- Business Administration

- Commerce

- Economics

- Finance/ Banking

- Management

For more information on the scholarship’s terms and condition and application procedure, please visit Khazanah National Berhad’s website at www.khazanah.com.my.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

University of People - Kuliah Online Gratis

Informasi yang saya tuliskan di bawah ini saya ambil dari harian KOMPAS, 29 Mei 2009; semoga berguna bagi rekan-rekan yang ingin kuliah tetapi terbatas dengan dana dan waktu. Mungkin informasi di bawah ini cocok untuk kalian.

Universitas online gratis ini disebut-sebut sebagai yang pertama di dunia, dan mendapat dukungan dari PBB. Untuk mendukung keberlanjutan sistem pendidikan ini, UN Global Alliance for Information and Communication Technology and Development (GAID) telah memberi komitmennya sebagai upaya memajukan pendidikan.

Karena bersifat nonprofit, maka University of People dirancang gratis mulai dari biaya kuliah sampai mengakses materi kuliah. Hanya kedepannya direncanakan ada biaya pendaftaran masuk dan biaya ujian, tetapi biayanya tidak besar hanya berkisar antara $15 - $50 saja.

Sementara baru dibuka 2 (dua) jurusan yaitu: Business Administration dan Computer Science. Pendaftaran sudah dimulai dari sekarang sampai dengan 30 Juni 2009.

Untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi http://www.uopeople.org

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Ketentuan menjadi penerima Beasiswa Djarum

  1. UMUM :
    • Pria atau wanita.
    • Sedang menempuh Tingkat Pendidikan S1 (Strata 1).
    • Prestasi Akademik dengan IPK diatas 3,00, telah menyelesaikan 4 semester (kondisi keuangan keluarga menjadi salah satu pertimbangan).
    • Aktif mengikuti kegiatan-kegiatan organisasi di Kampus
    • Tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari pihak lain.
    • Beasiswa diberikan selama (dua) semester berurutan atau satu tahun.
    • Beasiswa Djarum diberikan tanpa ada ikatan dan diberikan untuk membantu mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan kuliah di tingkat akhir.
    • Besarnya uang Rp. 500.000,- (lima ratus ribu rupiah) per bulan per orang.

    • Mahasiswa mengajukan surat permohonan beasiswa kepada perguruan tinggi melalui Direktur Administrasi Kemahasiswaan atau Pembantu Rektor III .
    • Fotocopy IPK semester 3 (tiga) dan 4 (empat).
    • Fotocopy Kartu Mahasiswa.
    • Fotocopy KTP.
    • Fotocopy surat keterangan tidak mampu dari Lurah/ Camat.
    • Satu lembar foto ukuran 4 x 6 cm berwarna memakai jas almamater.
    • Mengikuti psikotes, wawancara dan membuat tulisan singkat.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi website resmi dari Beasiswa Djarum di sini